Acceptable Use Policy

B´ÎÔª Standards for Acceptable Use of University Computing and Network Resources


I. Purpose

B´ÎԪ’s computer and network resources are an important component to further the University’s educational purposes and University business in support of Mercy’s mission, which seeks to transform students’ lives through higher education. Users of these resources have a responsibility to follow the guidelines set forth in this document, as well as all other related policies and procedures, not to abuse the privileges granted to them, and to respect the rights of others. Mercy’s technology infrastructure exists to support the University and administrative activities needed to fulfill the University’s mission. Access to these resources is a privilege that should be exercised responsibly, ethically and lawfully. The purpose of this Acceptable Use Policy is to clearly establish each member of the University’s role in protecting its information assets and communicate minimum expectations for meeting these   requirements.   Fulfilling these   objectives   will   enable Mercy to implement   a comprehensive system-wide Information Security Program.