Need Help Quitting?
While you and your loved ones are the strongest and most important resources for tobacco cessation support, it sometimes helps to come together with others who are facing the same struggle. See below for resources that are available to assist you on your smoke-free journey.
The Truth Initiative is a nonprofit public health organization whose mission is to prevent young adult nicotine addiction and empower quitting for all to support 100% tobacco and vape-free spaces. Please follow the link below to see the smoking cessation resources and educational materials.
The NYS Department of Health has developed a new program, “." It provides text-based cessation services targeted for ages 18-24.
In addition, the New York State Quitline provides free nicotine replacement therapy for those 18 years of age and older.

Call 1-866-NY-QUITS or visit the and the site for resources available to help you reach your goal.
Are you a texter? Text DropTheVape to 88709 for free, 24/7 confidential support and advice from other young people
Other resources
is a free digital resource to help tobacco users quit. This resource includes an active social community, text and email messaging support, expert guidance and interactive quitting tools.
Here is a list of