Maverick Magazine Fall 2022: Joi Sampson, Ed.D., Building an Inclusive Culture at Mercy

Headshot of Joi Sampson

Joi Sampson, Ed.D., Mercy’s director of academic engagement, equity and inclusion, has a vision: to build an inclusive culture at B´ÎÔª that supports student success and creates an authentically aware and equitable environment for work, study and research. In her previous position in career services at Mercy, Sampson advised an array of students, including firstgeneration, low-income, veterans and other non-traditional learners with a desire to get ahead. In her new role, she is guiding both academic and administrative departments in the development of best practices in diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). Her aim is to ensure all students can learn and grow in an atmosphere where they feel a sense of belonging.

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To read the full fall 2022 Maverick Magazine, please click .