Cassie Rando

Cassie Rando

Graduation Year: 2020

School: Health and Natural Sciences

Major: Health Science

How do students pick what to study in college? Some might have always known what they wanted to do since kindergarten. Some figure it out after taking a few classes in college and finding their passion. For Cassie Rando ’20 she found occupational therapy and BԪ at the same time.

“I knew I wanted to make a meaningful difference in people’s lives, I thought maybe I’d want to be a teacher,” said Rando. “But before I came to Mercy I saw a headline about helping people and it introduced me to occupational therapy and I was hooked from then.”

Now a junior health science major, Rando is loving learning more about occupational therapy.

“It’s so rewarding to help others in a medical way— to have patients regain functions and set new goals for their recovery. The work we do raises spirits and enables patients to achieve new goals they might not even had known were possible,” said Rando.

Outside of the classroom Rando is kept busy as co-president of the Honors Association and a senator for the Student Government Association.

“I love being in both organizations because I can intertwine the two and cross-promote events, connect the two groups on campus. We collaborate and host movie nights during the week just so all the activities aren’t on the weekends,” said Rando.

That sense of community was what drew Rando to Mercy in the first place.

“When I first toured, Hudson was still being built. But I wanted to go someplace that was thriving and growing. Now, I love it here. I love walking around campus and seeing people I know every time I go out. You can usually find me in the lounge or the library just studying and catching up with friends,” said Rando.

Rando says she’s always encouraging friends to apply to Mercy because of the close-knit community and welcoming atmosphere. It makes a big difference in helping not to miss home as much.

After her graduation in May 2020, Rando plans to apply to the graduate occupational therapy program and continue her studies at BԪ.